Tant de dessins de tortues...
Some facts about turtles from wildlife artist David Dancey-Wood. What do turtles eat, how long do turtles live, where do turtles live.
Pour photographier le colibri...
Some interesting facts about hummingbirds.
L'intrépide Honey Badger...
Interesting facts about the honey badger, the world's most fearless animal.
Pingouins d'Afrique du Sud...
La plupart des gens aiment les pingouins. Les pingouins sont mignons et la façon dont ils se balancent divertit les gens. Cependant, il...
Suricates et fourmiliers...
Tswalu, in South Africa, is well known for its more unusual animals and we were there to try and photograph meerkats and aardvark.
Où peut-on voir un pangolin ?
La plupart des amoureux de la faune sauvage savent que si vous voulez voir un lémurien sauvage, vous devez vous rendre à Madagascar . Ce...
La panthère nébuleuse...
The Clouded Leopard was David’s favourite big cat species. Well, that makes two of us!
Photographier la faune...
Wildlife photographers need many qualities if they are to obtain good photographs. Near the top of the list are patience and persistence.
Un crayon normal...
The pencil is so important as an instrument for all artists and why it is still relevant even in today's new world of technology.
Quels sont les cinq grands... ?
Thus the Big Five came into being. The elephant, buffalo, rhinoceros, leopard and lion were the five that stood out.